October 2019 Newsletter | Americanarama

americanafest laura schneider jaimee harris brian wright

Hello Friends,

September was a BLAST! We had such a wonderful time showcasing at AmericanaFest. A lot of really great stuff happened that week, but we can't tell you everything just yet... IT'S REALLY EXCITING. So, thank you for your support! It truly made a difference!

Aside from playing, I've been working on songs for the next album. I'm happy to be back at my writing desk, revising songs and following the flow of inspiration.

Thank you to all of the kind folks in Chester, Nashville, Brooklyn, Columbus, Boston, Fall River, and Norfolk for coming to hear our songs.

I hope things are great wherever you are this month! You can always reply to this e-mail to let me know how things are going in your world. I love hearing from you guys.



November 2019 Newsletter | A Bit Of Business


American Songwriter: 2019 Americanafest Review