April 2020 Newsletter | Thirty In Quarantine


Hello Friends,

Mary and I had a restless night worrying about John Prine and everyone else fighting COVID-19. The doctors, nurses - everyone on the front lines. As a songwriter, it's frustrating to not have the words to articulate how we're feeling right now. So much confusion, anxiety, and waves of grief. But there's also so much gratitude. We have a roof over our heads, guitars to hold, good health, and a community of wonderful people to love (from a distance).

I've been finding ways to make the most of this time at home, but it's a strange feeling. I've poured myself into work, ZOOM meetings, YouTube covers, and live streams. I did take a whole day off to binge Tiger King (stand back and marvel). There's plenty to dive into right now! My friend BettySoo is hosting her residency online every Tuesday. Dolly Parton is going to start reading us bedtime stories. I began working Cari Cole's "Step Up," artist development program -- and it has been great! She's offering this six-week program for FREE right now and it's already helped me so, so much. I've spent some time on Skillshare learning some productivity tips. THERE IS A LOT OUT THERE!

This Thursday, I'll be celebrating my 30th birthday and you are all invited to my party. I'll be playing some songs from 8:30 PM - 10:00 PM CDT with my friend Bonnie Whitmore in the Virtual Gallery! It's also Emmylou Harris's birthday, so I'll probably (definitely) play an Emmy song or two. I've had this one on repeat for a WHILE.

I believe this whole deal is going to change us forever. What a reminder of how much we truly need each other. It is beautiful how we've found ways to connect. Today, I had a lovely meeting with so many friends I've met from studying Woody Guthrie. The other day, we had a virtual birthday party with friends from all over the world. Butch Hancock even figured out how to play "Bluebird" by trading verses virtually with Jimmie Dale and Colin Gilmore. We're all finding our way.

How are you making your way through this time? Have you watched some great documentaries? Have you discovered some new artists via live streams? Are you lonely or reconnecting with friends and family during this challenging time? Hit "reply" to this email and let me know how things are going in your world. I love hearing from y'all.



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