August 2020 Newsletter | How Do We Come Together In A Time Of Isolation?

Hello Friends,

We now live in a world without John Lewis. I, like many other Americans, have lived a life inspired by John Lewis's kindness, determination, convictions, and faith. Despite the horror in this time, I've tried to look at this pandemic through a lens of personal gratitude. As it goes on and on, we continue to lose our brothers and sisters to this virus. We also are losing our brothers and sisters to relapse and suicide. This pandemic has illuminated so many systems in this country that are broken. So much darkness has risen to the surface. But, John Lewis never lost hope. He always believed that we could unite, make our voices heard, and triumph over darkness, greed, and injustice. 

Something happened to me after John Lewis died. For the first time during this pandemic, I felt an overwhelming sense of urgency. I wanted to do something. I specifically wanted to do something to encourage folks to register and vote, but I didn't exactly know what to do. Then, pretty much out of the sky, a really cool opportunity fell into my inbox. 

Through my friend Kevin Russell (Shinyribs, The Gourds) I was introduced to Envoys for Humanity. Envoys for Humanity is a supportive community of volunteers and organizations working to effect change through political and issues-based organizing, collaborating, and community building. Envoy has built a supportive social network that turns online concerns into real-life actions. So, if you are frustrated with the criminal justice system in the United States Envoy can connect you to an organization that works towards criminal justice reform efforts. If your area of concern is environmental, Envoy can connect you with volunteer opportunities with conservation organizations. Cool, right?

Right now, a lot of Envoy volunteers are writing postcards to encourage hundreds of thousands of voters to vote in November! With less than 100 days until the election, poll location changes, and other barriers, these postcards are providing much-needed encouragement and important information. So, I'm really looking forward to playing a Zocalo Zoom show for Envoy on Tuesday, August 18th. Some folks in the Zoom show will be writing postcards while listening to music. A visual artist will be featured throughout the event, too. Alice Spencer and Chris Searles will kick off the evening with great music and share their passion for environmental protection. I will talk briefly about my desire for criminal justice reform. You'll need to register to get the link. On the right-hand side, select the date(s) you'd like to attend. You can find out more about postcarding here. To find the event, scroll down, and click on "Virtual Event Signup."

If you're looking for more of a traditonal concert experience, I'll be playing a Zoom Virtual House show for BMF Discovery this Sunday (August 16th). It's a pay what you can afford show and I'd love to hang out with you! 

In other news, The Congress House Sessions is nearing its completion! I'm so excited to share these recordings with you. I'm working on a number of other projects that I'm excited to reveal... soon. Very soon. 

In the meantime, I'm making way for new merch on the Jaimee Harris Web Store. Enter the code MAKEWAY to receive 15% off any purchase you make in the month of August. 

How are y'all doing? What is bringing you comfort during this time? I love hearing from you, so please feel free to respond to this email. I'd love to know what is going on in your life. 



Photo by Danny Cavazos

Photo by Danny Cavazos


AUG 13th: Anderson Anniversary Stream - Watch Here
w/ Jenny Reynolds, R.O. Shapiro, Eric Bettencourt, Jeff Plankenhorn, and David Jimenez
(6:30 PM, CDT)

AUG 16th: BMF Discovery Virtual House Show - Tickets
(6 PM, PT / 8 PM, ET)

AUG 18th: Envoys Zocalo Zoom Postcarding Live Artistry Series - RSVP Here for Link
(7 PM, CDT)

OCT 29th: Plymouth, MA - Spire Center of the Arts
Supporting Mary Gauthier

OCT 30th: Northampton, MA - The Parlor Room
Supporting Mary Gauthier

NOV 8th: Portland, OR - Doug Fir Lounge
Supporting Mary Gauthier

NOV 11th: Felton, CA - Felton Music Hall
Supporting Mary Gauthier

NOV 12th: Berkeley, CA - Freight & Salvage
Supporting Mary Gauthier

NOV 13th: Sebastopol, CA - HopMonk Sebastopol
Supporting Mary Gauthier


Last month my friend Derek Hamm (if you like cute animals, you must follow him on Instagram: @derekrhamm) asked me if I would put together a playlist of songs I've been putting on repeat lately. This playlist is all over the place. Ambient stuff, sh…

Last month my friend Derek Hamm (if you like cute animals, you must follow him on Instagram: @derekrhamm) asked me if I would put together a playlist of songs I've been putting on repeat lately. This playlist is all over the place. Ambient stuff, shoegaze, punk, rap, country, folk... Have a look around. See if there's something you dig.

Charged: The New Movement to Transform American Prosecution and End Mass Incarceration by Emily Bazelon. Did you know we're the only nation that elects prosecutors? This book takes a deep dive into two important criminal cases and the roles the pros…

Charged: The New Movement to Transform American Prosecution and End Mass Incarceration by Emily Bazelon. Did you know we're the only nation that elects prosecutors? This book takes a deep dive into two important criminal cases and the roles the prosecutors play in each case. It's a fascinating, important read.

Crime Story Media: Emily Bazelon and Amanda Knox: This interview is what turned me on to Emily's book. Crime Story Media is a relatively new platform using the power of story in mixed media forms to highlight issues of criminal justice reform. Actua…

Crime Story Media: Emily Bazelon and Amanda Knox: This interview is what turned me on to Emily's book. Crime Story Media is a relatively new platform using the power of story in mixed media forms to highlight issues of criminal justice reform. Actually, they're doing A LOT more than that. Read about them here. I'm obsessed.

Jury Duty: The Trial of Robert Durst: This brand new podcast (yes, it's also from Crime Story Media) is following the trial of Robert Durst. The podcast is hosted by Kary Antholis (formerly of HBO) who is one of my personal favorite people I've ever…

Jury Duty: The Trial of Robert Durst: This brand new podcast (yes, it's also from Crime Story Media) is following the trial of Robert Durst. The podcast is hosted by Kary Antholis (formerly of HBO) who is one of my personal favorite people I've ever met in my life. If you don't know who Robert Durst is DO NOT GOOGLE HIM. You have to watch The Jinx first and THEN get into the podcast. Trust me, it's worth the payoff.

10 Secrets People in Recovery From Addiction Know that Could Help Us All Survive the Pandemic: The SIMS Foundation shared this article in April and it is so real. If there's one thing this pandemic has done for me, it's deepened my gratitude for rec…

10 Secrets People in Recovery From Addiction Know that Could Help Us All Survive the Pandemic: The SIMS Foundation shared this article in April and it is so real. If there's one thing this pandemic has done for me, it's deepened my gratitude for recovery.

Opinion | You Want a Confederate Monument? My Body is a Confederate Monument: I met Caroline Randall Williams at a party at Allison Moorer's house. My mind is still blown by conversations I had at that party. My goodness does Allison know how to gat…

Opinion | You Want a Confederate Monument? My Body is a Confederate Monument: I met Caroline Randall Williams at a party at Allison Moorer's house. My mind is still blown by conversations I had at that party. My goodness does Allison know how to gather a group of powerful, intelligent women. Caroline is the daughter of Alice Randall. Alice Randall was the first African-American to co-write a number one country hit ("XXX's and OOO's" made famous by supreme badass Trisha Yearwood). Caroline is the great-great-great-granddaughter of Edmund Pettus. Uh, yeah... that Edmund Pettus. She finished writing this piece in the parking lot of a hospital while transporting her mother to cancer treatment. This is an absolute must-read. I also think it is extremely cool that she purchased a "Listen to Women" tank at a live show last year and immediately changed into it on the spot. WOMEN.


The Shopkeeper: As the filmmaker Rain Perry said, it's ironic, but this important film about the survival of independent studios during the age of now available for streaming. It's a fantastic film, centered around my friend Mark Hallman of Congress House Studio. Check it out.


Here’s a replay of the "Sundays w/ Mary" song swap with Mary Gauthier


Thank You One-2-One


July 2020 Newsletter | How Do We Remain Curious?