Thank You One-2-One

I am deeply saddened to hear that One-2-One is closing its doors. It’s difficult for me to put into words what One-2-One means to me. I’ll never forget the nights I spent on the roof of its 5th street location. Having those kinds of conversations you can only have in your very early 20’s when you’re new to the city, and you’ve just stepped into a social circle of incredible songwriters, musicians, and artists. I’ll never forget the night I shared the stage with Donny Jones and Kalu James, swapping songs. It was one of my first real gigs in Austin. One-2-One gave me a chance to play their club when I honestly couldn’t bring anyone into the bar other than the friends I had made hanging out in that very bar that would surely already be there on that particular night. 

The incredible moments I had in the South Lamar location were far too many to count. The first show I ever played with Jane was at One-2-One. She even asked me to sing harmonies even though I was a complete stranger. We became roommates shortly after. I remember Ida Wenoe silencing and mesmerizing a room with “The Circus Season.” I’ll never forget the legendary Plankenstein Halloween Bash that led to a retweet by he-who-shall-not-be-named-but-it-was-before-we-knew-so-it-was-fucking-cool-at-the-time (shoutout to our verified friend, Nakia). Sharing the stage with Mark Hallman for the first time. Rocking out with Johnny Goudie. Crying as I watched my younger brother play confidently with Seela on that stage. I’ll always see the Andersons seated at the front left table. Jo and Spring passing around the tip jar. The pre-gig kimchi-fries, iced Americano, and cigarette taste in my mouth. All of the moments my band members BLEW MY MIND. All of the nights shared with John Inmon. I’ll never forget Jimmy LaFave walking into that club. The first time he ever heard the band. He picked up Brian Patterson for some gigs and invited me to sing on Levi Parham’s record. We had what I remember to be one of our very first long conversations just outside of the door after the show. I’ll never forget watching him walk in through the One-2-One doors and sit down at the bar. It was about one month before he passed. I couldn’t believe he came to the show. Every time I’ve played One-2-One since I think of him sitting in that seat by the bar. 

But what sticks with me most of all is the kindness Destinee and Gregg showed me and every single person who walked into the club. The professionalism and care Curt brought to each and every show. Lauren’s absolutely no BS attitude and incredible stories (every time I see a hawk I think of you, Lauren). Thank you to every person who worked the door and the bar for making our community feel respected, welcomed, and safe. The community everyone at One-2-One worked so hard to build made me a better artist, a better leader, and a better person. 

It is difficult for me to look back on the past ten years of my life and try to imagine the absence of One-2-One. It is deeply woven into the fabric of my personal and professional life. Gregg and Destinee gave me a chance before I could bring a soul to their club. They trusted me (a songwriter) to put together bills on weekends. WEEKENDS. They gave me FOUR HOURS on Thursday nights for months. MONTHS. Songwriters need believers. Just one believer can lead to another. And then another. And then things start to happen. Destinee and Gregg were two of my first believers in Austin, Texas. I can say confidently that without their support I would be in a much different position today. I’m sure, as many artists have shared over the past several days, I am not the only songwriter or artist with this story. Thank you, One-2-One, for giving us a safe home and a beautiful place to grow. There will forever be a One-2-One shaped hole in all of the hearts of those who fell in love with the wonderful world you built. 

All photos by Danny Cavazos. Posters by Shay Scranton. 

Staff Venmo Accounts

Curt: @Curt-Ganem

Laruen: @Luaren-Brown-51

Mary: @Mary-Hart-3

Kayla: @kaylareidd

Will: @theswiftdrag

Amelia: @Amelia-Harvey-2

Alex: @Alex-Ivey-512

Mike: @Michael-Pereida 


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