Songs And Stories With Katherine Forbes


Welcome to today’s Designing the Row client session episode featuring Jaimee Harris! I actually met Jaimee through Mary Gauthier who was featured just a couple weeks ago in episode #7. Mary sent Jaimee my way for a few website updates and we’ve been friends ever since!

Like Mary, Jaimee is also a great storyteller with some serious life experiences to draw from.

I swear, every time I edit these episodes I’m like, YES, this is why I started this podcast! And I just love that Jaimee really dives deep to tell the stories about the songs she’s sharing here on this episode. 

But seriously, I work with artists every day - building their online presence, and I feel like I know them so well from behind my screen… I know everything they’re doing, what they’ve done, where they’ve been, what’s coming next, I’ve listened to their music, watched their videos, scrolled through many of their photos, their lyrics, press posts… you name it. Jaimee and I have even had great conversations in real life about music and business over coffee and at girls night…

Even then, in listening to these stories she sent me, I realize there’s still so much more about her and her music that I don’t know! Maybe it’s the “questioner” in me… I love knowing WHY things are the way they are and WHY people think the way they do. I’m really fascinated by the “why” in life! So, I hope you’re enjoying the DTR client session episodes as much as I am!

A little background on Jaimee before we dive in… she somewhat recently moved to Nashville from Austin, but grew up in Waco, Texas. Her Texas roots have most definitely played a role in who she is today as a musician. She released her debut album, Red Rescue, in 2018. The first track you’ll hear, “Depressive State,” is her single off that album.

Also, I’m going to need you to go look her up online to check out her super cool signature look: red glasses… ok, that’s all. Here’s Jaimee… 

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode! Take a screenshot of the podcast, share in your Instagram stories, and tag us to let us know what you’re taking away from Jaimee’s stories and songs. What did you relate to or appreciate the most? I’m @katherinedforbes and Jaimee is @jaimeeharris. We’d love to continue the conversation with you there! 

Also, if you’d like to help support and be part of Jaimee’s next project, head over to her website,, to learn more about The Congress House Sessions. In addition to Instagram and her website, you can also find her on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter… all the usual places! I’ll leave all the links in the show notes of this episode.


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